rattus Experimental Neurogerontology

Brun Ulfhake


Neurogerontology Group Head

Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae

Name: (given names)  Ernst Sigmund Brun Eric
 (Surname)  Ulfhake
Date of birth: 10 July 1952
Place of birth: Stockholm, Sweden
Citizenship: Swedish
Family: Erika Öjtorp (sambo), Gustaf Ulfhake Öjtorp (son)
Academic degrees:
Läkar examen at Karolinska Institutet, March 1980.
Dr. Med. Sci. at Karolinska Institutet, December 1982.
Docent in Anatomy at Karolinska Institutet, 1988.
Authorization to practice the Medical Profession as a Physician by The
National Swedish Board of Health and Welfare, 1st of February 1990.
Practice & academic positions
Practice as a physician for approximately 4 years:
Anesthesiology (Södertälje Hospital; 1977-1981) for 2 years;
Internal medicine (Södertälje and Sabbatsbergs Hospitals; 1978-1988), in
total 1 year of practice;
General surgery (Sabbatsbergs Hospital; 1987), for 6 months;
Psychiatry (Beckomberga Hospital; 1989), for 3 months;
General practice (Sabbatsbergs Hospital, outdoor patients; 1989-90) for
3 months.
Various teaching positions in Anatomy at Karolinska Institutet 1977-
Associate professor in Anatomy, Department of Neuroscience at Karolinska
Institutet, 1st of January 1986 - present position.
Military service as a medical officer/consultant for submarine personnel in the
Royal Swedish Navy.
Administrative appointments
Member of Docenturnämnden at Karolinska Institutet 1997-
Member of Stockholms Ethical Committee for animal research (Stockholms N:a Djurförsöksetiska Nämnd) 1989-
Head of the anatomy teaching department at Karolinska Institutet 1990-1992; 1997-1999.
Member of the Committee for Basic Science Examination of Medical students at Karolinska Institutet 1996-
Ansvarig föreståndare (supervisor) at the animal research facility, Nobelsväg 12, Karolinska Institutet, 1989-
Member of the Deans consultant group for issues concerning the use of animals in medical research at the Karolinska Institutet, 2000- (deputy chairman).
Member of the committe selecting candidates to the LÄFO (combined research and medicine) study program at Karolinska Institutet, 2000-
Member of the SALIS board (Styrelsen i sektionen statligt anställda läkare inom Stockholms läkarförening).
International commissions
Referee appointments:
ad hoc referee  Brain Research;
ad hoc referee Neuroscience Letters;
ad hoc referee J. Chemical Neuroanatomy;
ad hoc referee J. Comperative Neurology;
ad hoc referee Experimental Brain Res;
ad hoc referee J. Anatomy and Embryology;
ad hoc referee Neuroscience;
ad hoc referee J. Neurophysiology;
ad hoc referee J. Histochem & Cytochem;
ad hoc referee Europ. J. Neuroscience.
Editorial appointments:
Issue editor NeuroProtocols, Academic Press, USA, 1992.
Deputy receiving editor Europ. J. Neuroscience, 1999-
Review of applications
ad hoc reviewer The New Zeeland Neurological Society
ad hoc reviewer National Academic Foundation (USA)
Other international commissions
Faculty opponent/reviewer at Dr. Bertil Block’s dissertation, Groningen, The Netherlands, 1998.
International reviewer of Dr M. Wessendorf tenur track application, University of Minnesota, US (1997).


Original Papers
Text book chapters
Appendices and supplements

Papers indicated by # prefix are relevant to my current research program.
Papers marked with an * prefix are not available on MedLine.

Original Papers


(Thesis papers; supervisor: J.-O. Kellerth)
1. Ulfhake, B., Kellerth, J.-O., A quantitative light microscopic study of the dendrites of cat spinal alpha-motoneurons after intracellular staining with horseradish peroxidase. J.Comp. Neurol. 202:571-583, 1981.

2. Ulfhake, B., Cullheim, S., A quantitative light microscopic study of the dendrites of cat spinal gamma-motoneurons after intracellular staining with horseradish peroxidase. J.Comp. Neurol. 202:585-596, 1981.

3. Ulfhake, B., Kellerth, J.-O., Does a-motoneurone size correlate with motor unit type in cat triceps surae? Brain Res. 251:201-209, 1982.

4. Ulfhake, B., Kellerth, J.-O., A quantitative morphological study of HRP-labelled cat alpha-motoneuronse supplying different hindlimb muscles. Brain Res. 264: 1-19, 1983.

5. Ulfhake, B., Kellerth, J.-O., Electrophysiological and morphological measurements in cat gastrocnemius and soleus alpha-motoneurones. Brain Res. 307: 167-179, 1984.


(Non-Thesis papers)
6. Cullheim, S., Ulfhake, B., Observations on the morphology of intracellularly stained a-motoneurons in relation to their axon conduction velocity. Neurosci. Lett. 13:47-50, 1979.

7. Cullheim, S., Ulfhake, B., Relation between cell body size, axon diameter and axon conduction velocity of triceps surae motoneurons during the postnatal development in the cat. J.Comp. Neurol. 188:679-687, 1979.

8. Cullheim, S., Ulfhake, B., Evidence for a postnatal elimination of terminal arborizations and synaptic boutons of recurrent motor axon collaterals in the cat. Dev. Brain Res. 5:234-237, 1982.

9. Ulfhake, B., A morphometric study of soma, first-order dendrites and proximal axon of cat alpha-motoneurones intracellularly labelled with HRP. Exp.Brain Res. 56: 327-334, 1984.


10. Cullheim, S., Ulfhake, B., Postnatal changes in the termination pattern of recurrent axon collaterals of triceps surae alpha-motoneurons in the cat. Dev. Brain Res. 17:63-73, 1985.

11. Remahl, S., Cullheim, S., Ulfhake, B., Dimensions and branching patterns of triceps surae a-motor axons and their recurrent axon collaterals in the spinal cord during the postnatal development in the cat. Dev.Brain Res. 23:193-200, 1985.


12. Gollvik,L., Kellerth, J.-O., Ulfhake, B., The effects of tenotomy and compensatory hypertrophy on the postnatal development of soleus motor units in the cat. Acta Physiol. Scand. 126: 565-573, 1986.

13. Ulfhake, B., Örnung, G., Cullheim, S., Electron microscopic observations on recurrent axon collateral boutons of a triceps surae g-motoneuron in the cat. Neurosci.Lett. 63:27-32, 1986.

14. Gollvik, L., Kellerth, J.-O., Ulfhake, B., The effects of tenotomy and overload on the postnatal development of medial gastrocnemius motor units in the cat. Acta Physiol. Scand. 128:485-494, 1986.

15. Lagerbäck, P.-Å., Cullheim,S., Ulfhake, B., Electron microscopic observations on the synaptology of cat sciatic g-motoneurons after intracellular staining with horseradish peroxidase. Neurosci. Lett. 70:23-27, 1986.


16. Lagerbäck, P-Å., Ulfhake, B., Ultrastructural observations on beaded a-motoneuron dendrites. Acta Physiol. Scand. 129: 61-66, 1987.

17 Ulfhake, B., Arvidsson,U., Cullheim,S., Hökfelt,T. Visser,T.J., Thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH)-immunoreactive boutons and nerve cell bodies in the dorsal horn of the cat L7spinal cord. Neurosci. Lett. 73:3-8, 1987.

18. Ulfhake, B., Arvidsson,U., Cullheim,S., Hökfelt,T., Brodin,E., Verhofstad,A., Visser, T., An ultrastructural study of 5-hydroxy-tryptamine-, Thyrotropin-releasing hormone- and substance P- immunoreactive axonal boutons in the motor nucleus of spinal cord segments L7-S1 in the adult cat. Neuroscience 23: 917-929, 1987.

19. Ulfhake, B., Cullheim, S., Hökfelt, T., Visser, T.J., The combined use of immunohistochemistry and intracellular staining with horseradish peroxidase for light and electron microscopic studies of transmitter-identified inputs to functionally characterized neurons. Brain Res. 419: 387-391, 1987.


20. Gollvik, L., Kellerth, J.-O., Ulfhake, B., The effects of tenotomy and overload on the postnatal development of muscle fibre histochemistry in the cat triceps surae. Acta Physiol. Scand. 132:353-362, 1988.

21. Ulfhake, B., Cullheim, S., Fransson, P., Postnatal development of cat hindlimb motoneurons. I. Changes in length, branching structure, and spatial distribution of dendrites of cat triceps surae motoneurons. J.Comp. Neurol., 278: 69-87, 1988.

22. Ulfhake, B., Cullheim, S., Postnatal development of cat hindlimb motoneurons. II. In vivo morphology of dendritic growth cones and the maturation of dendrite morphology. J.Comp.Neurol.278: 88-102, 1988.

23. Ulfhake, B., Cullheim, S., Postnatal development of cat hindlimb motoneurons. III. Changes in size of motoneurons supplying the triceps surae muscle. J.Comp. Neurol. 278:103-120, 1988.


24 Carlstedt, T., Cullheim, S., Risling, M., Ulfhake, B., Nerve fibre regeneration across the PNS-CNS interface at the root-spinal cord junction. Brain Res. Bull. 12: 93-102, 1989.

25. Cullheim, S., Carlstedt,T., Risling, M., Ulfhake, B., Motoneurons reinnervate skeletal muscle after central root implantation into the spinal cord. Neuroscience, 29:725-733, 1989.

26. Arvidsson,U., Cullheim, S., Ulfhake, B., Hökfelt,T., Terenius,L., Altered levels of calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP)-like immunoreactivity of cat lumbar motoneurons after chronic spinal cord transection. Brain Res., 489:387-390, 1989.

*27. Mossberg, K., Ulfhake, B., Arvidsson, U., Automated bouton counting in three dimensions. Proc. SCIA 2:782-785, 1989.


28. Gollvik, L., Örnung, G., Kellerth, J.-O., Ulfhake, B., Anatomy of soleus a-motoneurone dendrites in normal cats and in cats subjected to chronic postnatal tenotomy or overload of the soleus muscle. Exp. Brain Res., 80:34-43, 1990.

29. Mossberg, K., Arvidsson, U., Ulfhake, B., Computerized quantification of immunofluorescence labeled axon terminals and analysis of co-localization of signal substances in axon terminals with a confocal scanning laser microscope. J. Histochem. Cytochem., 38:179-190, 1990.

30. Avidsson, U., Johnson, H., Piehl, F., Cullheim, S., Hökfelt, T., Risling, M., Terenius, L., Ulfhake, B., Peripheral nerve section induces increased levels of calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP)-like immunoreactivity in axotomized motoneurons. Exp. Brain Res. 79:212-216, 1990.

31. Carlstedt, T., Risling, M., Lindå, H., Cullheim, S., Ulfhake, B., Sjögren, A.M., Regeneration after spinal nerve root injury. Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience, 1:289-295, 1990.

32. Arvidsson, U. Cullheim, S., Ulfhake, B., Bennett, G.W., Fone, K.C..F., Cuello, A.C., Verhofstad, A.A.J., Visser, T.J., Hökfelt, T., 5-hydroxitryptamine, substance P and Thyrotropin-releasing hormone in the adult cat spinal cord segment L7: Immunohistochemical and chemical studies. Synapse 6:237-270, 1990.

*33. Mossberg, K., Ulfhake, B., Automated analysis of axon terminals from 3D-data recorded with a confocal scanning laser microscope. Trans. The Royal Microscopical Soc., 1:413-416, 1990.

34. Arvidsson, U., Schalling, M., Cullheim, S., Ulfhake, B., Terenius, L., Verhofstad, A., Hökfelt, T., Evidence for coexistence between calcitonin gene-related peptide and serotonin in the bulbospinal pathway in the monkey. Brain Res., 532:47-57, 1990.

35. Örnung, G., Ulfhake, B., Changes in size and shape during histochemical processing for light and electron microscopy of neurons intracellularly labelled with horseradish peroxidase. Acta Physiol. Scand., 140:501-506, 1990.

36. Lindå, H., Cullheim, S., Risling, S., Arvidsson,U., Mossberg,K., Ulfhake, B., Terenius, L., Hökfelt, T., Enkephalin-like immunoreactivity levels increase in the motor nucleus after an intramedullary axotomy of motoneurons in the adult cat spinal cord. Brain Res., 534:352-356, 1990.


37. Arvidsson, U., Ulfhake, B., Cullheim, S., Bergstrand, A., Theodorsson, E., Hökfelt, T., Distribution 125I-galanin binding sites, immunoreactive galanin, and its coexistence with 5-hydroxytryptamine in the cat spinal cord: Biochemical, histochemical, and experimental studies at the light and electron microscopic level. J.Comp. Neurol., 308:115-138, 1991.

#38. Phiel, F., Arvidsson, U., Johnson, H., Cullheim, S., Villar, M., Dagerlind, Å., Terenius, L., Hökfelt, T., Ulfhake, B., Calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP)-like immunoreacitivity and CGRP mRNA in rat spinal cord motoneurons after different types of lesions. European J.Neurosci. 3:737-757, 1991.

39. Arvidsson, U., Ulfhake, B., Cullheim, S., Terenius, L., Hökfelt, T., Calcitonin gene-related peptide in monkey spinal cord and medulla oblongata. Brain Res., 558:330-334, 1991.

40. Ramirez, V., Ulfhake, B., Postnatal development of cat hindlimb motoneurons supplying the intrinsic muscles of the foot sole. Dev. Brain Res., 62:189-202, 1991.

41. Ulfhake, B., Carlsson, K., Mossberg, K., Arvidsson, U., Helm, P.J., Imaging of fluorescent neurons labelled with fluoro-gold and fluorescent axon terminals labelled with AMCA (7-amino-4-methylcoumarine-3-acetic acid) conjugated antiserum using a UV-laser confocal scanning microscope. J. Neurosci. Meth., 40:39-48, 1991.


#42. Ramirez, V., Ulfhake, B., Anatomy of dendrites in motoneurons supplying the intrinsic muscles of the foot sole in the aged cat: Evidence for dendritic growth and neosynaptogenesis. J. Comp. Neurol.,316:1-16, 1992.

43. Arvidsson, U., Ulfhake, B., Cullheim, S., Ramirez, V., Shupliakov, O., Celio, M.R., Hökfelt, T., Distribution of calbindin D28k-like immunoreactivity (LI) in the monkey ventral horn: Do Renshaw cells contain calbindin D28k-LI? J. Neuroscience, 12:718-728, 1992.

44. Arvidsson, U., Cullheim, S., Ulfhake, B., Ramirez, V., Dagerlind, Å., Luppi, P.H., Kitahama, K., Jouvet, M., Terenius, L., Aman, K., Hökfelt., T., Distribution of enkephalin and its relation to serotonin in cat and monkey spinal cord and brain stem. Synapse, 11:85-104, 1992.

#45. Burke, R.E., Marks, W.B., Ulfhake, B., A parsimonious description of motoneuron dendritic morphology using computer simulation. J. Neuroscience, 12:2403-2416, 1992.

46. Arvidsson, U., Ulfhake, B., Cullheim, S., Shupliakov, O., Brodin, E., Franck, J., Bennett, G.W., Fone, K.C.F., Visser, T.J., Hökfelt, T., Thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH)-like immunoreactivity in the grey monkey (Macaca fascicularis) spinal cord and medulla oblongata with special emphasis on the bulbospinal tract. J. Comp. Neurol., 322:293-310, 1992.

47 Arvidsson, U., Risling, M., Cullheim, S., Dagerlind, Å., Lindå, H., Shupliakov, O., Ulfhake, B., Hökfelt, T., On the distribution of GAP43 and its relation to Serotonin in the adult Monkey and cat spinal cord and lower brainstem. Eur. J. Neurosci.,4:777-784, 1992.

48. Piehl, F., Arvidsson, U., Johnson, H., Dagerlind, Å., Hökfelt, T., Terenius, L., Ulfhake, B. Reappearance of calcitonin gene-related peptide-like immunoreactivity in the dorsal horn in long-term dorsal root transected rat. Brain Res., 585:400-404, 1992.

#49. Johnson, H., Hökfelt, T., Ulfhake, B., Galanin- and CGRP-like immunoreactivity coexist in rat spinal motoneurons. NeuroReport, 3:303-306, 1992

50. Lindå, H., Piehl, F., Dagerlind, Å., Verge, V.M.K., Arvidsson, U., Cullheim, S., Risling, M., Ulfhake, B., Hökfelt, T., Expression of GAP-43 mRNA in the adult mammalian spinal cord under normal conditions and after different types of lesions, with special reference to motoneurons. Exp. Brain Res., 91:284-295, 1992.


#*51. Johnson, H., Mossberg, K., Ulfhake, B. The size, number and fluorescence intensity of 5HT-immunoreactive axon terminals in the aged rat lumbar spinal cord motor nucleus as revealed by confocal fluorescence microscopy and computerized 3D image analysis. NeuroProtocols 2:101-112, 1993.

#52. Hans Johnson, Brun Ulfhake, Åke Dagerlind, J.F. Bennet, F.P. Fone, and Tomas Hökfelt, The Serotoninergic Bulbospinal System and Brainstem-Spinal cord content of Serotonin-, TRH- and substance P-Like Immunoreactivity in the Aged Rat with Special Reference to the Spinal Cord Motor Nucleus, Synapse 15:63-89, 1993.

53. Ramírez, V., Ulfhake, B., GABA-like immunoreactive innervation of the ventrolateral motor nucleus in the cat S1 spinal cord segment: An electron microscopic study. Exp. Brain Res.,97:1-12, 1993.

54. Shupliakov, O., Örnung, G., Brodin, L., Ulfhake, B., Ottersen, O.P., Storm-Mathisen, J., Cullheim, S., Immunohistochemical localization of amino acids neurotransmitter candidates in the ventral horn of the cat spinal cord. Exp. Brain Res 96:404-418, 1993.

#55. Phiel, F., Arvidsson, U., Johnson, H., Cullheim, S., Dagerlind, Å., Ulfhake, B., Cao, Y., Elde, R., Pettersson, R.F., Terenius, L., Hökfelt, T., GAP-43, aFGF, CCK, a- and b-CGRP in rat spinal motoneurons subjected to axotomy and/or dorsal root severence. Europ. J.Neurosci, 5:1321-1333, 1993


*56. Ulfhake, B., Carlsson, K., Mossberg, K, Wallén, P., Preparation, staining and examination of nervous tissue in the confocal scanning laser microscope. Neuroscience Protocols (Elsevier), 3:65-92, 1994.

57. Arvidsson, U., Cullheim, S., Ulfhake, B., Luppi, P.-H., Kitahama, K., Jouvet, M., Hökfelt, T., Quantitative and qualitative aspects on the distribution of 5-HT and its coexistence with substance P and TRH in cat ventral medullary neurons. J.Chemical Neuronatomy, 7:3-12, 1994.

58. Ramírez-León, V., Hökfelt, T., Cuello, A.C., Visser, T., Ulfhake, B. Enkephalin-, thyrotropin-releasing hormone- and substance P- immunoreactive axonal innervation of the ventrolateral dendritic bundle in the cat sacral spinal cord: an ultrastructural study. J.Chemical Neuroanatomy,7:203-214, 1994.

59. Ramírez-León, V., Ulfhake, B., Arvidsson, U., Verhofstad, A.A.J., Visser, T.J., and Hökfelt, T., Serotoninergic, peptidergic and GABAergic innervation of the ventrolateral and dorsolateral motor nuclei in the cat S1/S2 segments: An immunofluorescence study. J.Chemical Neuroanatomy, 7:87-103 1994.


#60. Johnson, H., Mossberg, K., Arvidsson, U., Hökfelt, T.,and Ulfhake, B., Increases in alpha-CGRP and GAP-43 in aged motoneurons. An study of peptides, growth factors, and ChAT mRNA in the lumbar spinal cord of senescent rats with symptoms of hindlimb incapacities. J.Comp. Neurol.,359:1-21, 1995

61. Brismar, H., Trepte, O. and Ulfhake, B. Spectra and fluorescent lifetimes of LRSC, TRITC, Texas red and Cyanine-3.18 fluorophores: Influences of some environmental factors recorded with a confocal laser scanning microscope. J. Histochem. Cytochem., 43:699-708, 1995.

*62. Brismar, H. and Ulfhake, B. Confocal microscopy of multiple stained biological specimens using fluorescence lifetimes. SPIE  2412:50-55, 1995.

#63. Meister, B., Johnson, H. and Ulfhake, B. Increased expression of serotonin transporter messenger RNA in raphe reurons of the aged rat. Mol. Brain Res., 33:87-96, 1995

64. Carlsson, K. and Ulfhake, B. Improved fluorophore separation with IMS confocal microscopy. NeuroReport, 6:1169-1173, 1995.

65. Örnung, G., Ragnarson, B., Grant, G., Ottersen, O. P., Storm-mathisen, J. and Ulfhake, B. Ia boutons to CCN neurons and motoneurons are enriched in glutamate-like Immunoreactivity.  NeuroReport, 6:1975-1980, 1995.

*66. Carlsson, K. and Ulfhake, B., Two-color confocal fluorescence microscopy with improved channel separation: applications to neuroscience. Zoological Studies 34:56-58, 1995.


67. Örnung, G., Shupliakov, O., Lindå, H., Ottersen, O.-p., Storm-mathisen, J., Ulfhake, B. and Cullheim, S. A qualitative and quantitative analysis of glycine- and GABA-immunoreactive nerve terminals on motoneuron cell bodies in the cat spinal cord: a postembedding electron microscopic study. J.Comp. Neurol., 363:413-426, 1996

#68. Johnson, H., Hökfelt, T. and Ulfhake, B. Decreased expression of TrkB and TrkC mRNAs in spinal cord motoneurons of aged rats. Europ. J.Neuroscience, 8: 494-499, 1996.

#69. Bergman, E., Johnson, H., Zhang, X., Hökfelt, T. and Ulfhake, B.,  Neuropeptides and neurotrophin receptors mRNA in primary sensory neurons of aged rats. J.Comp. Neurol., 374:1-18, 1996


#70. Brismar, H. and Ulfhake, B., Fluorescence lifetimemeasurements in confocal microcopy of tissue labelled with multiple fluorophores: Neuropeptides in axon varicosities of rat spinal cord and DRGs. Nature: BioTechnology, 15: 373-377 1997.

#71. Fundin, B.T., Bergman, E., and Ulfhake, B., Alterations in mystacial pad innervation in the aged rat. Exp. Brain Res. 117:324-340, 1997.


72. Örnung, G., Ottersen, O.P.; Storm-Mathisen, J., Cullheim, S., Ulfhake, B., Distribution of Glutamate-, Glycine- and GABA-immunoreactive nerve terminals on dendrites in the cat spinal motor nucleus. Exp. Brain Res., 118:517-532, 1998.

73. Ragnarson, B., Örnung, G., Ottersen, O.P., Grant, G., Ulfhake, B., Ultrastructural detection of neuronally transported choleragenoid by postembedding immunocytochemistry in freeze-substituted Lowicryl HM20 embedded tissue. J. Neuroscience Methods, 80:129-136, 1998.

#74. Bergman, E., Ulfhake, B., Loss of primary sensory neurons in the very old rat: Neuron number estimates using the disector method and confocal microscopy. J. Comp. Neurol., 396:211-222, 1998.

#75. Kullberg, S., Ramírez-León, V., Johnson, H., Ulfhake, B., Decreased axosomatic input to motoneurons and astrogliosis in the spinal cord of aged rats. J. Gerontology: Biological Sciences, 53A:B369-B379, 1998.


#76. Bergman, E., Fundin, B.T. and Ulfhake, B., Effects of aging and axotomy on the expression of neurotrophin receptors in primary sensory neurons. J. Comp. Neurol., 410:368-386, 1999.

#77. Johnson, H., Hökfe1t, T. and Ulfhake, B., Expression of p75NTR, trkB and trkC in nonmanipulated and axotomized motoneurons of aged rats. Mol. Brain Res, 69:21-34, 1999.

#78. Bergman, E., Kullberg, S, Ming, Y. and Ulfhake, B., Upregulation of GFR-a1 and c-ret in primary sensory neurons and spinal motoneurons of aged rats. J. Neuroscience Research,57:153-165, 1999.

#79. Vania Ramírez-León, Susanna Kullberg, Ole Petter Hjelle, Ole Petter Ottersen, and Brun Ulfhake, Increased glutathione levels in neurochemically identified fibre systems in the aged rat lumbar motor nucleus. Europ. J. Neuroscience, 11:2935-2948, 1999.

#80. Ming, Y., Bergman, E., Edström, E. and Ulfhake, B., Evidence for increased GDNF signaling in aged sensory and motor neurons. NeuroReport, 10:1529-1535, 1999.

#81 Bergman, E., Carlsson, K., Liljeborg, A., Manders, E., Hökfelt, T. and B. Ulfhake, Neuropeptides, nitric oxide synthase (NOS), and GAP-43 in B4-binding and RT97 immunoreactive primary sensory neurons: Normal distribution pattern and changes after peripheral nerve transection and aging. Brain Res.,832:63-83, 1999.

#82. Ming, Y., Bergman, E., Edström, E. and Ulfhake, B., Reciprocal changes in the expression of neurotrophins in target tissues and peripheral nerves during aging Neuroscience Letters, 273:187-190, 1999.


#83. Bergman, E., Ulfhake, B., and Fundin, B.T., Regulations of NGF-family Ligands and Receptors in Adulthood and Senescence: Correlation to Degenerative and Regenerative Changes in the Cutaneous Innervation. Europ. J. Neuroscience, 12:2694-2706, 2000.


#84. Kullberg, S., Aldskogius, H. and Ulfhake, B., Pattern of microglial activation and clusterin upregulation in macroglia in the aging rat CNS. Brain Research, in press, 2001



1. Hökfelt,T., Schalling, M., Arborelius, L., Freedman, J., Arvidsson, U., Ulfhake, B., Cullheim, S., Brodin, E., Herrera-Marschitz, M., Reid, M., Ungerstedt, U., Post, C., Kåhrström, J., Owman, C., Tachykinins in the central nervous system. Regulatory Peptides, 20:6-8, 1988.

2. Carlstedt,T., Cullheim,S., Risling, M., Ulfhake, B., Mammalian root-spinal cord regeneration. Progr.Brain Res. 78: 225-229, 1988.

3. Hökfelt,T., Tsuruo,Y., Ulfhake, B., Cullheim, S., Arvidsson, U., Foster, G., Schultzberg, M., Schalling, M., Arborelius, L., Freedman, J., Post, C., Visser,T., Distribution of TRH-like immunoreactivity with special reference to coexistence with other neuroactive compounds. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 553:76-105, 1989.

4. Cullheim, S., Ulfhake, B., Postnatal synaptic reorganization of cat motoneurons. In: Wenner-Gren International Symposia Series: Neurobiology of early infant behaviour. Eds: Lagerkrans, v. Euler and Forssberg., 55:51-58, 1990.

5. Cullheim, S., Arvidsson, U., Ulfhake, B., Hökfelt, T., Christenson, J., Brodin, L., Wallen, P., Grillner, S., Serotonin and coexisting peptides in cat and lamprey spinal cord. In R. Paoletti et al., (eds), Serotonin: From cell biology to pharmacology and therapeutics. pp: 149-154, 1990.

6. Hökfelt., T., Arvidsson, U., Ceccatelli, S., Cortes, R., Cullheim, S., Dagerlind, Å., Johnson, H., Piehl, F., Schalling, M., Terenius, L., Ulfhake, B., Verge, V., Villar, M., Wiesenfeld-Hallin, S.,Xu, X., Zang, Distribution of CGRP in the CNS and the sensory nervous system. In: Calcitonin gene-related peptide, Taché, Y., Holzer, P., Rosenfeld, M.G. (eds). Proc. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 657:119-134, 1992.

7. Ulfhake, B., Carlsson, K., Mossberg, K., Arvidsson, U., Confocal fluorescence microscopy in 3D quantitative analysis of axon terminal distribution, neuronal connectivity and co-localization of messenger-molecules in nervous tissue. In: Methods in Neuroscience; Conns, M.P. (Ed.); vol 10: 94-128, 1992.

8. Ulfhake, B., Carlsson, K., Mossberg, K., Confocal Microscopy in Neurobiology (editorial overview). NeuroProtocols, 2:75-77 , 1993.

9. Arvidsson, U., Piehl, F, Johnson, H., Ulfhake, B., Cullheim, S., Hökfelt, T. The peptidergic motoneuron. NeuroReport, 4:849-856, 1993.

10. Carlsson, K., Ulfhake, B., Two-color confocal fluorescence microscopy with improved channel separation; Applications in chemical neuroanatomy. In: Focus on Multidimensional Microscopy; Eds. J.L. Cheng et al., Word Scientific Publ. Co. Ltd., New Jersey-Singapor-London, Vol. 1, pp 26-33, 1999.

11. Hökfelt, T., Arvidsson, U., Cullheim, S. , Millhorn, D., Nicholas, A.P., Pieribone, V., Seroogy, K., Ulfhake, B.,  Multiple messengers in descending serotonin neurons: Localization and functional implications. J. Chemical Neuroanatomy, 18:75-86, 2000.

12. Ulfhake, B., Bergman, B., Edtsröm E., Fundin, B., Johnson, H., Kullberg, S., Ming, Y., Regulations of neurotrophin signaling in aging sensory and motoneurons: Dissipation of target support? Molecular NeuroBiology, in press, 2000.

Text book chapters

1. Cullheim, S., Ulfhake, B., The development of synaptic connections in the nervous system. In: Perinatal and Pediatric Physiology-a clinical perspective; Gluckman, P.D., Heyman, M.A. (eds.),pp 210-215, 1993.

Appendices and supplements

1. Ulfhake, B., On the dendritic trees of motoneurones in the lumbosacral spinal cord of the cat. Thesis, Karolinska Institutet, 1982.

2. Örnung, G., Tabar, G., Cullheim, S. and Ulfhake, B., Is single-section analysis of axo-somatic boutons characteristics useful in studies of motoneuron synaptology. Appendix, pp 28-35, ISBN 91-628-2402-3, 1997.

3. Bergman, E., Edström, E., Johnson, H., Kullberg, S., Ming, Yu. and Ulfhake, B., Behavioral, survival and mortality data 1994-1999, Appendix, pp. 1-13; ISBN 91-628-3900-4, 1999.