The Nobel Institute for Neurophysiology
Curriculum Vitæ for Sten Grillner
1962 Med kand
1969 Dr of Medicine - PhD in Neurophysiology, University of Göteborg
1971 Visiting Scientist, Academy of Science Moscow. 5 months.
2010- Distinguished Professor Karolinska Institutet
1987-present Nobel Institute for Neurophysiology, Karolinska Institute, Professor and Director
1996-2005 Network program for Neuroscience/Psychiatry at Karolinska institute, Chairman
1993-2000 Department of Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet, Chairman
1975-1986 Department of Physiology III, Karolinska Institute, Professor
1973-1975 eo Docent in Physiology, Medical Faculty Gothenburg
1969 Docent in Physiology
1988-2008 Nobel Assembly at the Karolinska Institutet, Member, Deputy chair 2004, chairman 2005
1987-1997 Nobel Committee for Physiology or Medicine, adj. or full member
1995-1997 Nobel Committee, Chairman, (Deputy chair 1992-1994).
1990- Member of Academiae Europaeae
1993- Member of Royal Swedish Academy of Science. 2004- Chairman Section for Biology & member of Gov. Board of RSAS.
1997- Member of Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters
2004- Member American Academy of Arts and Sciences
2006- Honorary member of the Spanish Medical Academy
2006- Member Institute of Medicine of the National Academy, USA
2010- Member National Academy of Science, USA
1989- Associate of the Neurosciences Research Program (NRP) Neuroscience Institute, La Jolla
1988- Member of Rodin Remediation Academy , member of council (1997)
1977 Florman award, Royal Swedish Academy of Science
1983 Grass lecturer to the Society of Neuroscience, Boston
1990 Greater Nordic prize of Eric Fernstrom, Lund
1993 Bristol-Myers Squibb award for Distinguished achievements in Neuroscience Research, New York
2002 Reeve/Irvine Research Medal, New York
2003 Neuronal Plasticity Prize, Fondation Ipsen, Paris
2005 Ralph Gerard prize, Society for Neuroscience, Washington
2006 Ragnar Granit Prize, Finland
2007 Linnéan Zoology Award, Lund
2008 The Kavli Prize in Neuroscience, US/Norway
2012 The King´s medal - band of the Serafirmer order
Walter Morris lecture, Little Rock, Arkansas 1986; ENA/EBBS lecture European Soc for Neuroscience, Zurich 1988; Josef Anér lecture, Umea 1989; Havlicek Memorial lecture, Winnipeg 1989; Fernström lecture, Lund 1990; Svaetichin lecturer, Caracas 1991; Alice and J. Brooks lecture on the Neurosciences, Harvard 1992; Alexander Forbes lecture, MBL Woods Hole 1993; ENA/EBBS lecture, Amsterdam 1996; Honorary Professor, Beijing Medical University 1999; Servier lecture, Univ. of Montréal 2002; Erlanger lecturer, San Diego, US 2005; Frontiers of Computational Neuroscience Lecturer, Berlin, FDR 2009; Feng Lecturer, Kyoto Japan 2009; Founder Lecturer, International Soc. for Neuroethology, Salamanca, Spain 2010; Keynote, Bionic Robots Conference Nantes, France 2011; Keynote, Turkish Neuroscience Society, Istanbul 2011, Nansen Lecturer, Univ. of Oslo, Norway 2011, Champalimaud Institute, Portugal 2011, Chennai, India 2012, Univ. of Rome 2012, Plenary Biosupercomputing symposium RIKEN 2012, Univ. of Cologne 2013, NeuroSantiago, Cuba 2013, Kavli lecture Trondheim, Norway 2013.
Current Opinion in Neurobiology
Behavioural and Brain Sciences
European Journal of Neuroscience (receiving editor)
Network-computation in Neural Systems
Acta Physiologica Scandinavica (advisory board)
Intern. J. Neural Systems
Brain Research
Brain Research Review
Pflugers Archives
Behavioural Brain Research
Physiological Reviews (1989-1995)
Physiology (NIPS)
Neuroscience Letters
2010-2012 President, Federation of European Neuroscience Societies
2008 President elect, Federation of European Neuroscience Societies
2005-2012 Chairman International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility/OECD
1992-1999 Member IBRO governing council
2013- Secretary general IBRO
2002- Chairman, IBRO membership committee
1993-2001 Member of Council for International Union of Physiological Science
1996-2000 Member of Council International Neuroethology Society
1983-1989 Member of review panel for Medical Research Council in Physiology
1996-2002 Chair or Deputy Chairman, Review panel for Human Frontier Program
2009- Member of Council of Scientists, HFSP, EU repr.
Member of Faculty board of Karolinska Institutet
1991-1996 Member of steering committee for European neuroscience program. ESF
1996-2002 Board member - Kristineberg Marine Research Station, Acad. Science
1997-2004 Member Megascience OECD, Neuroinformatics group, deputy chairman
Advisory boards – RIKEN Brain Science Institute Tokyo, 1997- (Chairman 2005 - ); Max Planck, Heidelberg 1995-1999; CNRS, Marseille1995-; Neuroscience Helsinki 2000-2005; Molecular, Medicine, Lisbon 2005; Mobiligence, University of Tokyo 2005–; Brain Mind Institute 2013.
Evaluation panels - Kristineberg Marine Biology station 1998, 2006; -Life Science 2, Norwegian Research Council, chairman 2000; -Brain Science Institute, RIKEN, Computational 2004; -Neuroscience (Creating the Brain program) German Government, Bernstein Centers 2005, 2009; -Neuroscience, Academy of Finland, chairman 2005, Chinese Academy of Science, Shanghai 2008-, Danish Council for Independent Research, chair 2012, NORBRAIN chair 2013-.
Prize committees - Peter and Patricia Gruber Foundation Neuroscience Prize, US 2006- (chair); -InBev-Baillet Latour Health Prize, Belgium 2007; Hertie Foundation – Kandel Prize 2011-, SfN Axelrod Prize 2012.
MEMBER OR CHAIRMAN FOR PLANNING COMMITTEES OF SYMPOSIA OR CONGRESSES IN: Philadelphia USA (editor) 1975; Stockholm, WennerGren Center symposium (editor) 1980; Spoleto Italy 1983; Stockholm WennerGren Center (chairman and editor) 1985; Tokyo, International Society for Neuroethology 1986; Stockholm, European Neuroscience meeting (ENA) (chairman) 1990; Stockholm, Wenner Gren Center Symposium 1993; San Diego, Physiology and Pharmacology of Motor Control APS 1993; Tucson, Neurons, Networks and Motor Behavior 1995; Kyoto, IBRO conference on Neuroscience 1995; Stockholm (Nobel Symposium - editor) 1997; Stockholm (WennerGren Conference - T. Laurent) 1998; Brighton Forum for European Neuroscience (FENS) 2000; Paris Forum for European Neuroscience (FENS) 2002; Stockholm, Peter Wallenberg Symposium 2001; Stanford Peter Wallenberg Symposium 2002; Helsinki Peter Wallenberg Symposium 2004; Stockholm WennerGren Symposium 2003; Stockholm Nobel Conference 2003; Prague IBRO meeting 2003; Berlin, Dahlem Symposium (chairman) 2004; Stockholm, Nobel miniconference 2006; Stockholm ,WennerGren Symposium (chairman) 2006; Stockholm, The „Cajal club“ 2006; Stockholm Nobel Symposium 2008; 1st INCF Congress of Neuroinformatics 2008.
RESEARCH TRAINING: From 1973, 57 visiting scientists/post-docs have spent in most cases 1-2 years in my research group to study the "Cellular basis of vertebrate motor behaviour" (17 from North America). Supervisor for PhD students: Hans Forssberg (1979, professor, prorektor Karolinska institute), Peter Wallén (1983, University lecturer, Karolinska institute), Junt Halbertsma (1983, research position, Holland), Lennart Brodin (1989, professor, Karolinska institutet), Johan Christensson (1991, HealthCap), Fredrik Ullén (1996, associate professor, Karolinska Institute), Jesper Tegnér (1997, professor, University of Linkoping/KI), Jeanette Hellgren (1998, professor Royal institute of Technology), Martin Wikström (1999, assistant professor VR-NT, Karolinska institute), Patriq Fagerstedt (2000, Karolinska Institutet), Erik Svensson (2003, postdoc USA), Lorenzo Cangiano (2004, Ass. Prof., Pisa), Isaac Shemer (2008), Misha Zilberter (2009), Di Wang (2009), Marcus Stephenson-Jones (2012), Jesper Ericsson (2012), Henrike Planert (2012).
Selected References
Kozlov AK, Kardamakis AA, Hellgren Kotaleski J, and Grillner S (2014) Gating of steering signals through phasic modulatiion of reticulospinal neurons during locomotion. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 111:3591-6.
Stephenson-Jones M, AA Kardamakis, B Robertson and Grillner S (2013) Independent circuits in the basal ganglia for the evaluation and selection of actions. PNAS Sept. 3, E3670-3679.
Ericsson J, Stephenson-Jones M, Pérez-Fernández J, Robertson B, Silberberg G, and Grillner S. (2013) Dopamine differentially modulates the excitability of striatal neurons in the direct and indirect pathways in lamprey. J Neurosci. 33:8045-54.
Grillner S, B Robertson and M Stephenson-Jones (2013) The evolutionary origin of the vertebrate basal ganglia and its role in action-selection. J Physiol. Jan 14.
Stephenson-Jones M, Flores O, Robertson B, Grillner S. (2012) Evolutionary conservation of the habenular nuclei and their circuitry controlling the dopamine and 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HT) systems. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 109:E164-73
Grillner S (2011) Human locomotor circuits conform. Science 334:912-913.
Stephenson-Jones M, Samuelsson E, Ericsson J, Robertson B, Grillner S. (2011) Evolutionary Conservation of the Basal Ganglia as a Common Vertebrate Mechanism for Action Selection. Curr Biol, 21:1081-1091.
Ericsson J, Silberberg G, Robertson B, Wikström MA, Grillner S. (2011) Striatal cellular properties conserved from lampreys to mammals. J Physiol. doi:10.1113/jphysiol.2011.209643.
Kozlov A, Huss M, Lansner A, Kotaleski JH, Grillner S. (2009) Simple cellular and network control principles governs complex patterns of motor behavior. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 106:20027-32.
Jones MR, Grillner S, Robertson B. (2009) Selective projection patterns from subtypes of retinal ganglion cells to tectum and pretectum: distribution and relation to behavior. J Comp Neurol. 517:257-75.
Thompson RH, Ménard A, Pombal M, Grillner S. (2008) Forebrain dopamine depletion impairs motor behavior in lamprey. Eur J Neurosci. 27:1452-60.
Saitoh K, Ménard A, Grillner S. (2007) Tectal control of locomotion, steering, and eye movements in lamprey. J Neurophysiol. 97:3093-108.
Grillner, S. (2006) Biological Pattern Generation: The Cellu.lar and Computational Logic of Networks in Motion. Neuron 52:751-766.
Grillner, S., J. Hellgren. A. Ménard, K. Saitoh, M. Wikström (2005) Mechanisms for selection of basic motor programs – roles for the striatum and pallidum. TINS 28:364-370.
Grillner, S., H. Markram, E. De Schutter, G. Silberberg, F.E.N. LeBeau (2005) Microcircuits in action - from CPGs to neocortex. TINS vol 28, no 10:525-533. Cangiano L and Grillner S (2005) Mechanisms of Rhythm Generation in a Spinal Locomotor Network Deprived of crossed connections: The lamprey hemicord. J. Neurosci. 26: 923-935
Grillner, S. (2003) The motor infrastructure: From ion channels to neuronal networks. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 4: 573-586.
Parker, D., W. Zhang & S. Grillner (1998) Substance P modulates NMDA responses and causes long-term protein synthesis-dependent modulation of the lamprey locomotor network. J. Neurosci. 18:4800-4813.
Grillner S. (1996) Neural networks for vertebrate locomotion. Scientific American. January. 64-69.
Bacskai BJ, Wallén P, Lev-Ram V, Grillner S, Tsien RY (1995) Activity-related calcium dynamics in lamprey motoneurons as revealed by video-rate confocal microscopy. Neuron 14:19-28.
Schotland J, Shupliakov O, Wikström M, Brodin L, Srinivasan M, You Z, Herrera-Marschitz M, Zhang W, Hökfelt T. Grillner S. (1995) Control of lamprey locomotor neurons by colocalized monoamine transmitters. Nature. 374:266-268.
Ekeberg Ö, Lansner A, Grillner S. (1995) The neural control of fish swimming studied through numerical simulations. Adaptive Behavior 3:363-384 (MIT Press).
Grillner S, Matsushima T. (1991) The neural network underlying locomotion in lamprey-synaptic and cellular mechanisms. Neuron 7:1-15.
Alford S, Grillner S (1991) The involvment of GABAB receptors and coupled G-proteins in spinal GABAergic presynaptic inhition. J. Neurosci. 11:3718-3726.
Georgopoulos AP, Grillner, S (1989) Visuomotor coordination in reaching and locomotion. Science 245:1209-1210.
Wallén P, Grillner S.(1987) N-Methyl-D-Aspartate receptor-induced, inherent oscillatory activity in neurons active during locomotion in the lamprey. J Neurosci. 7: 2745-2755.
Buchanan JT, Grillner S. (1987) Newly identified 'glutamate interneurons' and their role in locomotion in the lamprey spinal cord. Science 236:312-314.
Grillner S. (1985) Neurobiological bases of rhythmic motor acts in vertebrates. Science 228:143-149.
Grillner S, Williams T, Lagerbäck P-Å (1984) The edgecell, a possible intraspinal mechanoreceptor. Science 22: 500-503.
Grillner, S. (1975) Locomotion in vertebrates - Central mechanisms and reflex interaction. Physiol. Rev. 55:247-304.
Grillner, S. & T. Hongo (1972) Vestibulospinal effects on motoneurones and interneurones in the lumbosacral cord. In: "Basic aspects of central vestibular mechanisms. Progr. In Brain Res. Vol. 37". l. pp 243-262. Brodal A. and Pompeiano O (Eds.).
Last modified: 2014-05-28