K. Kristensson
G. Grant
H. Karlsson
G. Lundkvist

Publications Gabriella Lundkvist

Selected references

1. Lundkvist, G.B., Kwak, Y., Davis, E., Tei, H. and Block, G. D. A calcium flux is required for circadian rhythm generation in mammalian pacemaker neurons. J Neurosci 2005 25(33):7682-6

2. Lundkvist G. B. and Block G. D. The role of neuronal membrane events in circadian rhythm generation (2005). Methods in Enzymology 393:623-42.

3. Lundkvist G. B., Kristensson. K. and Bentivoglio M (2004). Why trypanosomes cause sleeping sickness. Physiology 19:198-206

4. Lundkvist G. B., Hill R. H. and Kristensson K (2002). Disruption of circadian rhythms in synaptic activity of the suprachiasmatic nuclei by African trypanosomes and cytokines. Neurobiol Dis. 11(1):20-7

5. Lundkvist G. B., Kristensson K. and Hill R. H (2002). The suprachiasmatic nucleus exhibits diurnal variations in spontaneous excitatory postsynaptic activity. J. Biol. Rhythms 17 (1):40-51

6. Lundkvist G. B., Robertson B., Andersson A., Rottenberg M. E. and Kristensson K. (1999), Light-dependent regulation and postnatal expression of the IFN-g receptor in the rat suprachiasmatic nuclei, Brain Res. 849 (1-2):231-4

7. Lundkvist G. B., Robertson, B., Mhlanga J. D. M., Rottenberg M. E. and Kristensson K. (1998), Expression of an oscillating interferon-g receptor in the suprachiasmatic nuclei, NeuroReport, 9:1059-1063

8. Lundkvist G. B., Christenson J., ElTayeb R. A. K., Peng Z-C., Grillner P., Mhlanga J., Bentivoglio M. and Kristensson K. (1998), Altered neuronal activity rhythm and glutamate receptor expression in the suprachiasmatic nuclei of Trypanosoma brucei- infected rats, J. Neuropath. Exp. Neurol., 57: 21-29


Division of Neurodegenerative Disease Reseach, Department of Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet, Retzius väg 8, 171 77
Stockholm, Sweden

Updated: Friday, March 10, 2006