K. Kristensson
G. Grant
H. Karlsson
G. Lundkvist

Publications Gunnar Grant

Selected references

Grant, G. and Robertson B. (2004) Primary Afferent Projections to the Spinal Cord. Chapter 4 in: The Rat Nervous System (G. Paxinos, ed.) 3rd edition. Elsevier, San Diego.  

Grant, G. and Koerber, H.R. (2004) Spinal Cord Cytoarchitecture. Chapter 5 in: The Rat Nervous System (G. Paxinos, ed.) 3rd edition. Elsevier, San Diego.  

Grant, G., Holländer, H. and Aldskogius, H.: Suppressive silver methods – a tool for identifying axotomy-induced neuron degeneration. (2004) Brain Res. Bull. 62. 261-269.

Schoenen, J. and Grant, G. (2003) Spinal Cord: Connections. Chapter 8 in: The Human Nervous System. 2nd edition. (G. Paxinos and J. Mai, eds.). Elsevier, San Diego.

Yingcharoen, K., Siegborn, J. and Grant, G. (2003) Brainstem projections of different branches of the vestibular nerve: An experimental study by transganglionic transport of horseradish peroxidase in the cat. III. The saccular nerve. Exp Brain Res. 151. 190-196.

Ragnarson, B., Örnung, G., Grant, G. Ottersen, O. P. and Ulfhake, B. (2003) Glutamate and AMPA receptor immunoreactivity in Ia synapses with motoneurons and neurons of the central cervical nucleus. Exp Brain Res. 149. 447-457.

Kitao, Y., Robertson, B., Kudo, M. and Grant, G. (2002) Proliferation patterns of dorsal root ganglion neurons of cutaneous, muscle and visceral nerves in the rat. J Neurocytol. 31. 765-776.

Bao, L., Wang, H. F., Cai, H., Tong, Y.-G., Jin, S., Lu, Y.-J., Grant, G. Hökfelt, T. and Zhang, X. (2002) Peripheral axotomy induces only very limited sprouting of coarse myelinated afferents into the inner lamina II of rat spinal cord. Eur J Neurosci. 16. 175-185.

Ragnarson, B., Yi, S.J., Ulfhake, B. and Grant, G. (2002) GABA, glycine- and glutamate-immunoreactive boutons in apposition to neurons of the central cervical nucleus in the rat spinal cord. Anat Rec. 266. 226-233.

Siri, C.R. Shortland, P.J., Grant, G. and Olivius N.P. (2001) Delayed administration of NGF reverses nerve injury induced central alterations of primary afferents. NeuroReport 12. 1899-1902.

Deliagina, T.G., Beloozerova, I.N., Popova, L.B., Sirota, M.G., Swadlow, H.A., Grant, G. and Orlovsky, G.N. (2000) Role of different sensory inputs for maintenance of body posture in sitting rat and rabbit. Motor Control 4. 439-452.

Nygren, Å, Magnusson, S. and Grant, G. (Eds.) (2000) Nackskador efter bilolyckor. Whiplash associated disorders. Studentlitteratur. 180 pp.

Grant, G. (2000) Histologen och anatomen Gustaf Retzius. Trots elva nomineringar fick han aldrig Nobelpriset. Läkartidningen. 97. 64-70.

Grant, G. (1999) How Golgi shared the 1906 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine with Cajal. www.nobel.se/medicine/articles/grant/index.html.

Grant, G. (1999) Gustaf Retzius and Camillo Golgi. J History Neurosci. 8. 151-163.

Kayalioglu, G., Robertson, B., Kristensson, K. and Grant, G. (1999) Nitric oxide  receptor immunoreactivities in relation togsynthase and interferon- ascending spinal pathways to thalamus, hypothalamus and the periaqueductal grey in the rat. Somatosens Mot Res. 16. 280-290.

Pesini, P., Kopp, J., Wong, H., Walsh, J. H., Grant, G. and Hökfelt, T. (1999) An immunohistochemical marker for Wallerian degeneration of fibers in the central and peripheral nervous system. Brain Res. 828. 41-59.

Robertson, B., Schulte, G, Elde, R. and Grant, G. (1999) Effects of sciatic nerve -opioid receptor and substance P immunoreactivities in thedinjuries on  superficial dorsal horn of the rat. Eur J Pain 3. 115-129.

Tong, Y.-G., Wang, H. F., Ju, G., Grant, G., Hökfelt, T. and Zhang, X. (1999) Increased uptake and transport of cholera toxin B-subunit in dorsal root ganglion neurons after peripheral axotomy: possible implications for sensory sprouting. J Comp Neurol. 404. 143-158.

Grant, G. (1998) Camillo Golgi and the Nobel Prize. Pp. 50-55 in: Golgi e Bizzozero nel centenario della scoperta dell´apparato reticolare interno. Atti del Convegno 24 novembre 1998 – Torino. Accademia di Medicina di Torino.

Vikman, K., Robertson, B., Grant, G., Liljeborg, A. and Kristensson, K. (1998)  receptors are expressed at synapses in the rat superficialgInterferon- dorsal horn and lateral spinal nucleus. J Neurocytol. 27. 749-760.

Wang, H. F., Robertson, B. and Grant G. (1998) Anterograde transport of horseradish-peroxidase conjugated isolectin B4 from Griffonia simplicifolia I in spinal primary sensory neurons of the rat. Brain Res. 811. 34-39.

Ragnarson, B., Örnung, G., Ottersen, O. P., Grant, G. and Ulfhake, B. (1998) Ultrastructural detection of neuronally transported choleragenoid by postembedding immunocytochemistry in freeze-substituted Lowicryl HM20TM embedded tissue. J Neurosci Meth. 80. 129-136.

Wang, H. F., Shortland, P., Park, M. J. and Grant, G. (1998) Retrograde and transganglionic transport of horseradish peroxidase-conjugated cholera toxin B subunit, wheatgerm- agglutinin and isolectin B4 from Griffonia Simplicifolia I in primary afferent neurons innervating the rat urinary bladder. Neuroscience 87. 275-288.



Division of Neurodegenerative Disease Reseach, Department of Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet, Retzius väg 8, 171 77
Stockholm, Sweden

Updated: Wednesday, October 17, 2007