Protein Isolation using Trizol


Homogenization step

  1. Weigh the tissue
  2. Add Trizol: 1ml per 50-100mg tissue used
  3. Homogenize
  4. Incubate samples for 5 min at room temp
  5. Add chloroform: 200l per 1ml of trizol used initially
  6. Mix thoroughly
  7. Incubate 2-3 min at room temp
  8. Centrifuge 15min at 11400 rpm (11338rpm=12000G) and 2-8°C

Aqueous phase contains the RNA

(Note: All aqueous phase must be removed for retrieval of high quality DNA)

  1. Remove aqueous phase for RNA extraction (see RNA extraction protocol)
  2. Precipitate DNA from with ethanol: 300µl 100% ethanol per 1ml of trizol used initially
  3. Mix samples carefully and incubate 2-3min at room temp
  4. Centrifuge 5min at 4600rpm (4629rpm=2000G) and 2-8°C

Aqueous phase contains the protein

  1.                 Add 2ml wash solution per 1ml Trizol used initially
  2.                 Incubate 20min at room temp
  3.                 Centrifuge 5min at 9000rpm (8963rpm=7500G) and 2-8°C


Erik Edström & Mikael Altun, 010614; updated 020625